
  • Zeolite JZ-D4ZT

Zeolite JZ-D4ZT

Whakaahuatanga Poto:

JZ-D4ZT zeolite he kaha kaha o te whakawhiti katote konupūmā me te kore parahanga ki te taiao.He taapiri pai mo te phosphate kore utu hei whakakapi i te konutai tripolyphosphate.He kaha te whakaurunga o te mata, a, he pai te whakangao me te whakamaroke.Ko tenei hua he paura ma me te kore-paitini, te hongi, te reka me te kaha rere.

Taipitopito Hua


JZ-D4ZT zeolite he kaha kaha o te whakawhiti katote konupūmā me te kore parahanga ki te taiao.He taapiri pai mo te phosphate kore utu hei whakakapi i te konutai tripolyphosphate.He kaha te whakaurunga o te mata, a, he pai te whakangao me te whakamaroke.Ko tenei hua he paura ma me te kore-paitini, te hongi, te reka me te kaha rere.


Ka whakamahia ki te horoi i te paura, i te hopi horoi ranei hei kaiawhina ūkuikui-kore hei utu mo te konutai tripolyphosphate hei whakapai ake i te horoi horoi me te whakaiti i nga hua kua oti.



Āhuatanga JZ-D4ZT
Kore taumahatanga (800ºC,1h) ≤22%
Te Reeti Whakawhiti Konupora mgCaCO3/g >295
Uara pH(1%,25ºC) <11
Maama(W=Y10) ≥95%
Matūriki(μm) D50
+325mesh te taumaha o te toenga mata
Kiato rahi 0.3-0.45

Paerewa Paerewa

25kg peeke raranga


Q1: Ka taea e koe te whakarato i etahi waahanga tauira hei whakamatautau i mua i te whakatakoto ota papatipu?

A: Ae, e pai ana matou ki te tuku tauira ki a koe hei whakamatautau i te kounga me te mahi.

Q2: Me pehea e taea ai e au te ota me te whakatau utu?

A: Kia marama to hiahia me te whakatau ko wai te hua e pai ana mo koe.Ka tukuna atu e matou he nama Proforma ki a koe .L / C, T / T, Western Union me etahi atu kei te waatea katoa.

Q3: He aha te ra tuku?

A: Mo te tauira tauira: 1-3 ra i muri i te whakaritenga.

Mo te ota papatipu: 5-15 ra i muri i te ota whakau.

Q4: Mena ka kitea e matou he rereke to putea putea pera i mua me pehea ta matou whakautu?

A: Tena koa kaua e whakarite i te utu kia tae ra ano ki te tirotiro rua ki a maatau (Ka whakarārangihia nga korero putea ki ia waahanga o te PI).

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